Writing on software design, startups, and travels.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, leadership, product design, and more, collected in chronological order.

RePh: React + Phoenix app scaffolding made easy

Long ago I wrote couple of articles about building RePh-stack based apps. It could be not that simple to follow due to dependencies became obsolete, backward-incompatible and many other reasons. I love RePh stack and pretty much sure it’s something everyone should consider when...

Let’s refactor: std_json_io.

Today I finished refactoring of std_json_io library (the fork can be found at https://github.com/chvanikoff/std_json_io with all the commits mentioned in the article in place, Pull request to the original library is here) and would like to share experience of “how it was”...

Setting up Rancher with SSL

Here is a process of setting up Rancher with SSL from “Let’s Encrypt” via Nginx. Software versions: https://www.docker.com 1.12.6 http://rancher.com 1.5.5 http://nginx.org 1.11 https://letsencrypt.org certbot 0.13.0 What we will get: - Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate...